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How many types of ceramic materials? What are the differences between new ceramic materials and traditional ceramic materials?

How many types of ceramic materials? What are the differences between new ceramic materials and traditional ceramic materials?

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Ceramic materials are inorganic non-metallic materials made by natural or synthetic compounds after forming and high-temperature sintering. Non-metallic materials are one of the most important materials in inorganic non-metallic materials. It has the common advantages of metal materials and polymer materials, and its friability has been greatly improved in the process of continuous modification. Ceramic materials are unique in the field of materials because of their excellent performance. They are highly valued by people and will play a very important role in the future social development.
What kinds of ceramic materials are there?
1. Ordinary ceramic materials
Ordinary ceramic materials are made of natural materials such as feldspar, clay and quartz, which are typical silicate materials that are sintered. Ordinary ceramic materials are rich in source, low in cost and mature in technology. They can be divided into daily-use ceramics, architectural ceramics, and chemical ceramics according to their performance characteristics and uses.
2, special ceramic materials
This material is mainly made of high-purity synthetic raw materials, formed by precision control process, and has certain special properties to meet various needs. Its main components are oxide ceramics, nitride ceramics, and cermets. Wait.
3. Nano ceramics
At present, the advanced ceramics, whether the raw materials used or the grains after the materials are all micron, are also called micro-ceramics. When the raw materials and the grains after the materials reach the nanometer scale, they will be the preparation science, ceramics and ceramics of the ceramic materials. The process brings about mutations that open up a wider range of uses for ceramic materials.